We have a new domain name and website!

The evolution of our show continues with the creation of a brand new domain name and website bunniestv.au

Please bookmark our new website address and disregard our old rabbitohsradio.com.au site. Our new site still needs some fine tuning but you’re reading this article on the site now so it’s at least up and running with plenty of upside to come.

Our new banner with QR Code and new domain name website address.
Our new domain name bunniestv.au is born!

Please support our sponsors

Kids eat for free on Mondays at the Juniors.

Georges Cameras are the best in the business.

Georges Cameras image appears on our new website bunniestv.au
Click image for Georges Cameras bonus gift details.

By Steve Mavin – stevem@bunniestv.au


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  • Thanks so much for the great interviews bunniestv. Very impressive every one of them, South’s future’s looking good. Really enjoyed Shaq’s interview. What an impressive young man. His love and respect for the Bunnies shines through. The Mitchell’s are South Sydney, they belong here. Looking forward to a successful 2023. Thanks again guys.